Term Repo Under The Liquidity Adjustment Facility

Concept Explanation

Term Repo Under The Liquidity Adjustment Facility

Operational Guidelines

Term Repo under the Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF) for 14 days and 7 days tenors will be introduced for banks (scheduled commercial banks other than RRBs) in additional to the existing daily LAF (repo and reverse repo) and MSF.. Term repo auctions will be conducted on CBS (E-KUBER) 10 platform through electronic bidding as is done in the case of OMO auctions.

The total amount of liquidity injected through term repos would be limited to 0.25 per cent of NDTL of the banking system.

While the 14 day term repo of tenor would be conducted every reporting Friday, the 7 day term repo would be conducted on every non-reporting Friday.

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